Security Bulletin on WhatsApp Vulnerability (May 2019)

In Cyber Security by Matsco Engineering Team


WhatsApp have released a security advisory on the 13th of May 2019 to alert users of a major vulnerability that has been identified in the messaging application that is used by 1.5 billion users globally.  


The vulnerability is used to remotely install surveillance software on devices. Making use of the voice-calling function the hackers ring the device, and the software installs without the call being answered. Subsequent logs of the call taking place is also removed from the phone.

WhatsApp has recommended that all users perform an update of the WhatsApp application to remove the vulnerability, as they do not have any indication of the extent of the exposure to this malware

Please contact the Matsco Solutions team on the below if you would like any further information.

Beijing  +86 400 120 2782
Hong Kong  +852 8101 8418
London   +44 (0)20 7821 4950
New York  +1 866 446 9226
Singapore  +65 6100 1090

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